Celebration Bermuda in the Spotlight for World Cup 2014

The finals of the 2014 World Cup soccer tournament are taking place in Brazil starting in June of this year. Celebration Bermuda will be the playing surface on 5 of those fields. Here's a video showing them harvesting and installing Celebration for one of those fields. Celebration Bermuda is an excellent turf for sports fields because of its dark green color and high wear tolerance.  ...
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New Sod at the Rose Bowl for the BCS Championship Game

  This is not our grass job but it's interesting to read about.  I'm going to link to several articles that talk about the re-sodding of the Rose Bowl field for the National Championship game tonight in Pasadena, CA, between Florida State and Auburn. Here's a short article about why they replaced the sod. Here's a longer article that goes into more detail about the grass and the installation process. And one more on the massive effort it took to put in a new field in such a short time. The field for the actual Rose Bowl was installed in November after the last regular season game there.  Then 2 hours after the Rose Bowl finished on January 1st, they started laying new sod over the old sod which raised the field about 2 inches.  They then also raised the goal posts 2 inches to match.  Apparently the reason they laid new sod over the old was just for time sake.  They didn't have time...
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Brown Patch and What To Do About It

This is the time of year that we really start to see a lot of the Brown Patch fungus in St. Augustine in Southeast Texas.  It doesn't normally kill your grass but it can make for an ugly yard! Brown Patch, also known as Rhizoctonia blight, starts as small circular brown areas in your yard around 10" in diameter and can grow up to 10 feet.  I did a search today for information about Brown Patch and how to treat it and came across a good article on The Livingston Parish News website out of Livingston, LA and I thought I'd just link to this excellent article instead of trying to recreate the information here. We do talk about it on our own website in our FAQs if you want to talk a look at that also. Once we get a good hard freeze that normally stops Brown Patch from spreading but it can do a lot of damage before that happens.  Check out...
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