
  • $335 per pallet picked up at the farm (This is a specialty grass that we sell by pre-order only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, one pallet minimum, so please give us a call at least two days prior to pickup)
  • One of the most cold-hardy bermudagrasses on the market
  • High traffic & wear tolerance
  • Excellent recovery from high traffic
  • Very fine bladed bermudagrass
  • Ideal choice for sports, golf, and homes




When mowing during the summer, never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade at a time. If you remove more than that, you will stress the grass and it may go brown for a short time. Taller blades provide more shade for your roots system to stay cool and retain moisture during the hot summer days. If you are returning from vacation, you may have to mow multiple times to get the grass back to the desired height. Wait about three to five days between each mowing.


Do not over water the grass. Latitude 36 only needs about one inch of water weekly. Water for longer periods of time, less frequently and in the early morning hours. Take rainfall into consideration.


For optimal results, feed your lawn monthly during the summer season by applying the Lawnifi Summer Box liquid fertilizer program.


Apply post-emergent herbicides as needed for control of summer annual and perennial broadleaf weeds like white clover, knotweed, spurge and lespedeza. Two or three applications 7–10 days apart are required to control crabgrassand goosegrass. If crabgrass and goosegrass are present, make a note to apply a pre-emergent herbicide next spring. Do not apply herbicides during a drought, when grass and weeds are not actively growing or when temperatures exceed 90 degrees. Consider spot treating weeds to avoid burning the grass during hot summer months.


Check for and control any white grubs and nematodes.Treat with an insecticide if needed. If you use a granular variety, water the lawn immediately after application to help soil absorption. August is the best time to control grubs because they are small and feeding near the soil surface.


Treat with a fungicide if needed. If you use a granular variety, water the lawn immediately after application to help soil absorption.